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Meet the Author
Marisa N. Kossoy, a highly regarded educator in New Jersey for over 15 years, has distinguished herself as a master teacher and school administrator. Kossoy holds a B.A. in Humanities, an M.A. in Teaching, and an M.A. in Educational Leadership from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She enjoys inspiring today's youth to dream big and achieve. Kossoy currently resides in New Jersey.

Question and Answer with Marisa
Where did you grow up?Forest Hills, New York
What were your favorite books as a kid?Wow, I have so many. If I had to pick one, it would be The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.
What is your favorite food?Pizza
Where do you currently live?New Jersey
Aside from writing, what do you like to do for fun?Spend time with family and friends, pilates, and skiing.
You dedicated your book Principal for a Day to your nephew, Jackson. Can you tell us about him?He’s five, adorable, and makes me laugh every day. I now have another nephew named Ryan, and I’m looking forward to including him in something special soon.
What’s your computer desktop/phone lock screen?A picture of my nephews, Jackson and Ryan.
When is your birthday?October 7, 1982
Growing up, did you always want to be a writer?Growing up, I dreamed about becoming a teacher. Although I always loved to write, it never occurred to me that writers were regular people and that I could grow up to become one.
What is it like seeing your book online, or in a bookstore?Exciting, yet it’s still a surreal feeling.
Do you have plans to write another book?There are plans... Stay tuned!
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